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IRIS is… a consortium of research universities using big administrative data to understand, explain, and improve higher education and research.

Happening @ IRIS

2024 UMETRICS Research Dataset Release

IRIS is pleased to announce that our sixth data release is now available on the virtual data enclave. The 2024 UMETRICS Dataset includes information on research spending, vendor contracts and employees from more than 100 campuses across the country. It contains data on more than 580,000 sponsored research grants worth more than $192 billion, about $35 billion in payments to more than 1.2 million vendors of research-related goods and services, and wages to about 985,000 employees. Read more…


On June 17, IRIS staff held a session to provide an overview of the newly released dataset. Joseph Staudt, economist from the U.S. Census Bureau, discussed the variety of Census data to which the IRIS UMETRICS dataset can be linked and shares how he and a colleague used UMETRICS data to study how delays in NIH grant funding affect the career outcomes of research personnel

IRIS member universities submit data to the institute and receive back reports focused on institutional research, governmental relations, and public communications.

IRIS produces interactive reports to illuminate the impact of universities’ research activities on the economy and career pathways of employees.

The IRIS dataset is a valuable asset for researchers in a variety of disciplines, capturing detailed data from nearly 400,000 awards representing more than 41% of U.S. total R & D spending at univerisities.

Data Contributors

42 logos of participating universities

News @ IRIS

2024 Year in Review

IRIS’s 2024 Year in Review is available now. Download the report to learn how IRIS uses big administrative data to help universities,...

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Institute for Research on Innovation and Science
University of Michigan
Institute for Social Research
Survey Research Center
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