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2022 Data Release

Files in This Collection



*Access Note: Files in this collection have special restrictions. You can apply for access to the restricted-use documentation and data.

New Features

IRIS is pleased to announce new features to this year’s annual release. Highlights include:
  1. Extensive data coverage spanning between 2001 and 2021, averaging 9 years of data from each university
  2. Improved quality of imputation on gender, ethnicity, and race variables that provide demographic characteristics of employees paid by grants
  3. Improved quality of occupational classification, with a focus on faculty rank and appointment
  4. Added a new award identifier field (a substring of the Unique Award Number field) by removing any CFDA number preceding the award number to improve linkage  across core files (award, employee, vendor, and subaward files)
  5. Comprehensive collection and processing of award data from external sources, including awards from the following federal agencies: DOE, DOD, NASA, NIH, NSF, and USDA
  6. Expanded record linkage product and linked data at both award- and Principal Investigator (PI)-level for the aforementioned  agencies
  7. New collection of COVID-19 research grant data from NIH and NSF
  8. Application topic modeling techniques to text data (award abstract) for extracting and inferring topics associated with federally funded sponsored projects
  9. Continuous effort towards cleaning and disambiguating funding source names, with a particular focus on federal and private funding agencies, as well as nonprofit and corporate foundations
  10. Increased code availability to researchers in the IRIS VDE for reproducibility

Summary of 2020 data release

Institute for Research on Innovation and Science
University of Michigan
Institute for Social Research
Survey Research Center
330 Packard St, 2354 Perry Bldg
Ann Arbor, MI, 48104-2910

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