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IRIS will have two openings on its Board of Directors; we are seeking nominations for elections scheduled for June 2023.

The board oversees the management of the affairs, business, and activities of IRIS, and establishes policies and directives governing business and programs of IRIS. Typically, there are are two scheduled meetings of the board each year.

Nominees must be from IRIS member institutions; self-nominations are welcome. Please send nominations to IRIS Managing Director Nancy Calvin-Naylor at [email protected].  Nominations should include a short bio and statement of vision for IRIS, not to exceed 1 page combined.

The terms begin in July 2023 and the seats are currently occupied by Jeni Hart of the University of Missouri and José Román of Rutgers University.

We are also soliciting names of individuals who might serve as an at-large IRIS board member. These individuals need not be affiliated with an IRIS member institution, but should be positioned in a role that provides a larger policy insight.

Please submit nominations by May 1.

More information is available on the IRIS Governance webpage.