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Student Jobs

IRIS takes our role supporting the teaching mission of the University of Michigan seriously and is always looking for creative and talented students who are interested to join our team and learn new skills. We regularly hire research assistants for part-time positions throughout the school year and during the summer, including internships.

Types of positions we typically hire for include:

  • Research Data Management
  • Web Development
  • UX/Graphics/Web Design
  • Data Wrangling

Skills we are looking for include:

  • Experience with Python, SQL, D3, PHP, JavaScript, React, jQuery, ArcGIS, SAS
  • Graphic design/UX skills and proficiency with Adobe Creative Suite, web design, WordPress
  • Attention to detail and excellent organizational skills
  • Familiarity with relational databases and programming

Contact [email protected]

IRIS Work Culture

IRIS strives to create and sustain a culture for its employees that is characterized by respect, generosity, inclusion, and yes, hard work. Each individual brings a set of skills and perspectives that are valuable and contribute to our work and our community. We set high expectations for ourselves and we support one another. Our pace is fast (“IRIS time”), but we also take time to celebrate our successes.

Institute for Research on Innovation and Science
University of Michigan
Institute for Social Research
Survey Research Center
330 Packard St, 2354 Perry Bldg
Ann Arbor, MI, 48104-2910

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© 2023 The Regents of the University of Michigan  |  Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA  |  Phone: +1 (734) 764-1817